Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Official MFA Rankings in Creative Writing

The purpose of this blog is to provide information for prospective graduate students in creative writing. To date, there have only been two “official” rankings of graduate programs in creative writing, one conducted by US News & World Report in 1997 and one conducted by The Atlantic Monthly in 2007. Although there are many other “unofficial” rankings out there, these are the only two that have been endorsed by major media outlets. The goal of this blog is not to endorse these rankings, but simply to provide a starting point for prospective students who are interested in studying creative writing on the graduate level. Finally, this is not a forum for discussion and debate. This blog exists solely for informational purposes.

2007 MFA Rankings—Graduate Programs in Creative Writing (The Atlantic Monthly)

In 2007, The Atlantic Monthly produced the first official ranking of graduate programs in Creative Writing in ten years. You can find the article about the rankings here and here. You can also find an interview with the author of the article here. Note that the listing of the top ten programs is alphabetical.

Top Ten MFA Programs in Creative Writing

(listed alphabetically)

Boston University
University of California at Irvine
Cornell University
Florida State University
University of Iowa
Johns Hopkins University
University of Michigan
New York University
University of Texas, Michener Center
University of Virginia

Composite Ranking—The Atlantic Monthly and US News & World Report

Although The Atlantic Monthly does not officially rank the top ten programs, this is what their list would look like if the programs were ranked according to their US News & World Report Ranking.

1. University of Iowa
2. Johns Hopkins University
3. University of Virginia
4. New York University
4. University of California–Irvine
5. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
6. Boston University
6. Cornell University
7. University of Texas, Michener Center
8. Florida State University

The author of The Atlantic Monthly article also included a series of smaller lists, which focus on specific categories. Note that these lists are also alphabetical and that they are not necessarily the five “best” or “most distinguished” programs in these categories. They are simply five programs that he chose to highlight.

Five Programs With Notable Alumni

Boston University
University of California at Irvine
Columbia University
University of Iowa
University of Virginia

Five Programs with Distinguished Faculty

Boston University
Columbia University
University of Iowa
New York University
University of Virginia

Five Highly Selective Programs

Brown University
University of California at Irvine
Johns Hopkins University
University of Texas, Michener Center
University of Virginia

Five Well-Funded Programs

Brown University
Cornell University
University of Michigan
University of Texas, Michener Center
University of Virginia

Five Innovative/Unique Programs

University of Arkansas
Brown University
Chatham University
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Five Up-and-Coming Programs

Brooklyn College
University of Mississippi
Ohio State University
Rutgers University at Newark
University of Wisconsin

Five Top Ph.D. Programs in Creative Writing

Flordia State University
University of Houston
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
University of Southern California
University of Utah

Five Top Low-Residency M.F.A. Programs

Antioch University
Bennington College
Pacific Univeristy
Vermont College
Warren Wilson College

Continue to US News & World Report Rankings

1997 MFA Rankings—Graduate Programs in Creative Writing (US News & World Report)

In 1997, US News & World Report produced the first official ranking of graduate programs in creative writing based solely on national reputation. Although these rankings are older than The Atlantic Monthly rankings it might be helpful for prospective students to observe which programs appear in the top ten on both lists.


1. University of Iowa
2. Johns Hopkins University (MD)
2. University of Houston
4. Columbia University (NY)
4. University of Virginia
6. New York University
6. University of California–Irvine
6. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
9. University of Arizona
10. Boston University
10. Cornell University (NY)
10. University of Massachusetts–Amherst
10. University of Montana
10. University of Washington
10. Washington University (MO)
16. Brown University (RI)
16. Indiana University–Bloomington
16. University of Arkansas
16. University of Utah
20. Arizona State University
20. Emerson College (MA)
20. George Mason University (VA)
20. Hollins College (VA)
20. Sarah Lawrence College (NY)
20. Syracuse University (NY)
20. University of Florida
20. University of Maryland–College Park
20. University of Pittsburgh
20. Warren Wilson College (NC)
30. University of California–Davis
30. University of Southern Mississippi
30. University of Texas–Austin
33. Iowa State University
33. University of Missouri–Columbia
33. University of Oregon
33. University of Southern California
37. Bennington College (VT)
37. CUNY–City College of New York
37. Florida State University
37. Ohio State University
37. Ohio University
37. Penn State University–University Park
37. University of Alabama
37. University of Denver
37. University of North Carolina–Greensboro
46. San Francisco State University
46. University of Cincinnati
46. University of New Hampshire
46. Western Michigan University
50. American University (DC)
50. Colorado State University
50. Eastern Washington University
50. Georgia State University
50. New Mexico State University
50. Saint Mary’s College of California
50. San Diego State University
50. Southern Illinois University–Carbondale
50. Temple University (PA)
50. University of Colorado–Boulder
50. Virginia Commonwealth University
50. Wichita State University (KS)
62. Brooklyn College (NY)
62. California State University–Fresno
62. Mills College (CA)
62. Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN)
62. SUNY–Albany
62. University of Georgia
62. University of Hawaii–Mano
62. University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign
62. University of Minnesota
62. Vermont College of Norwich University
72. Binghamton University (NY)
72. Bowling Green State University (OH)
72. Cleveland State University
72. Kansas State University
72. Michigan State University
72. Old Dominion University (VA)
72. University of Alaska–Fairbanks
72. University of Illinois–Chicago
72. University of Nebraska–Lincoln
72. University of New Mexico
72. University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
83. Goddard College (VT)
83. Miami University (OH)
83. New College of California
83. Oklahoma State University
83. Rutgers (NJ)
83. School of the Art Institute of Chicago
83. University of Kansas
83. University of Miami
83. University of Missouri–Kansas City
83. University of Notre Dame (IN)
83. University of San Francisco
83. University of South Carolina–Columbia

Continue to 2007 MFA Rankings